
I mean no disrespect
to those who do not share my views
I do not feel threatened by you
or what you do
you have your way
I have mine
we will smile in kindness
tolerate each other
we can forget what’s in the past
and co-exist in fairness
e q u a l i t y
we will live in peace
we will live in peace
About This Song:
It is with delight and amazement that I look back at the changes that came our way last year. It just keeps getting easier to find and access or obtain whatever we want, whenever we want it. More of the old primitive tools and structures have slipped into history, as human ingenuity continues to bring us faster and better ways of accomplishing what we want.
We are also making massive strides toward being instantly connected to one another’s thoughts, feelings, and needs and – while you would think this would afford us a certain sensitivity and feeling of oneness – it also underlines our differences. We really are a kaleidoscopic jumble of individual beliefs – and this allows the schemers, users, cheaters, and fakes enough leeway to bend consciousness and control the show.
So, unfortunately, our childlike wish for a world at peace appears as remote as it has always been. But we must not give up. In our hearts we know that, if we do it right, this wondrous planet can provide enough for all of us. It is possible to maintain our individuality AND live together peacefully. Hopefully, we will channel some of that ingenuity and connectivity into making it a reality.
One can always dream . . .
Song Credits:
Bob Magnusson: bass
Arthur Fisher: flute/shaker
Patrick Armenta: bongos
Chuck Perrin: acoustic guitar/vocals