Bob Dylan’s Birthday - 7:30pm May 24th, 2012

Dizzy’s did it again this year – celebrated Bob Dylan with a tribute concert on his 71st birthday, Thursday May 24. It was a magical evening dedicated to the poetic music of the man who has had such a profound impact on popular music and American culture. In the spotlight for this special night was the homespun harmonies of Folding Mr. Lincoln, soulful songstress Steph Johnson, husband and wife duo Sven-Erik Seaholm & Brooke MacIntosh, and my longtime friend, Washington state folksinger Greg Pluth. I performed 4 Dylan songs: “Subterranean Homesick Blues”, “I Want You”, “Blowing In The Wind”, and “Just Like Tom Thumbs Blues” – and joining me was violinist Jamie Shadowlight.
As an added treat, artist Patrick Carney created a painting of Bob that graced center stage.
The show was held at McCrea Music Company in La Mesa. It had the right kind of vibe for a Dylan show, reminding me of the original dizzy’s space, with a high wood beamed ceiling and a generous stage.
For a little added background on the songs I performed, check out my Dylan blog post here