
  • the issue of trust

    November 5, 2011

    Most of us have, at some time or another, had to deal with the betrayal of trust on a personal relationship level. We’ve learned that the common analogy of the broken vase rings all too true – even if it is repaired, it will never be the same. It is colored by a loss of… [ read more ]

  • happy birthday Diz! so long Jack

    October 21, 2011

    Today is the birthday of John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie. It also, by chance, happens to be the day that stream-of-consciousness writer Jack Kerouac shuffled off this mortal coil. Back in 1993, I wrote a song about keeping the dreams of youth alive that also commemorates these two strong influences in my life. Last year, my… [ read more ]

  • the street and the education con

    October 15, 2011

    The state of education in this country is ludicrous. Our colleges and universities have become nothing more than finance factories — educational Wall Street investment houses — jockeying for image and position, marketing themselves ad nauseam, lobbying and grubbing for government subsidies and research funding, growing immense endowments, all but abandoning their alleged mission of… [ read more ]