When I was in high school, I developed an appreciation for music and literature; anything different and creative captivated me. I spent all my free time listening to record albums or reading. It was those dreamy, brutal, magical 1960’s. Everyone was getting a voice. Acoustic music and topical songwriting exploded as an art form, so playing guitar and putting my own thoughts into songs was a natural progression for me. It not only grew to become something I enjoyed doing, it became my passion – and I’ve kept working at it ever since. If you do anything long enough, you begin to develop your own sensibilities and style. My goal has always been to keep learning and growing.
I have been running a jazz performance space in San Diego called dizzy’s since April 2000. There I schedule and present a wide cross section of creative music – whatever excites me. I fill my head with the positivity of hundreds of nights of musical performances each year and carry that creative vibe over into my days, spending them writing and recording my own music.
I’m a lucky man.