this eternal now
this e t e r n i t y
it’s always going on
& we
(beams of energy)
are always here
with it
in it
of it
as a tingling gust of fresh air
or a cloud rippling across the sky
or for a time
as an industrious spider
learning discipline
building web after web
or a plant
struggling to bloom
adapting to it’s
place in nature
for this time
as a human being
trying to come to grips
with what
the addition of a mind
m e a n s
in the grand scheme of things
the ability to truly
u n d e r s t a n d
this living & endless
p r e s e n t
so alive
so intense
that maybe
we occupy ourselves with
the mundane
just so we don’t have to deal
with the immensity
r e a l i t y
brief relief
b u t
that doesn’t change it
( take a d e e p b r e a t h )
that doesn’t change it